Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Simple Breathing Techniques Can Help Regulate Your Mood!


Breathing Techniques
Many studies have found that simple breathing techniques can help you regulate your mood. In a 2015 review and analysis of several studies, Richard Brown, MD and Patricia Gerbarg, MD reported that yogic deep-breathing techniques were extremely effective in handling depression, anxiety, and stress-related disorders. Essentially these techniques are a form of biofeedback. Your brain tells your body to slow and deepen your breathing. This allows your heart rate to slow down. In turn you are able calm down, think more clearly and improve problem solving. These techniques are used both as a preventative measure and as a coping tool.

Preventative Measure: Breathing techniques are a form of deep relaxation. The more you practice deep relaxation the more you will be centered and calm as a whole. You will be a less stressed, anxious or angry person.

Coping Tool: The more you practice these techniques the easier it is to use them during a stressful scenario. Breathing or relaxation techniques can manage your anger, anxiety level, or stress. They can be used before an important test or presentation, in athletics, during panic attacks, as a way to get to sleep, or to cope with a difficult confrontation.

How to Deepen Your Breathing
In order to properly use these techniques, you need to understand the how to take a deep breath that is effective. Your goal is to take deep breaths and not shallow breaths. First, your inhale breath should come deep from within your diaphragm and not your chest. An inhale breath that originates in the chest area can cause shallow breathing. During your inhale breath, close your eyes and imagine seeing the breath travel from the bottom of your diaphragm, up to your lungs which fill to their capacity. This breath should be held shortly to where you feel a slight discomfort and then SLOWLY exhaled.  It is important that the exhale breath is released slowly with control and NOT as a quick burst. This is a mistake many people make. Your breathing can be done through the nose or mouth or you can alternate between the two.

Types of Deep Breathing
The following are examples of breathing and relaxation techniques that many people find helpful. Play with these different techniques and find which ones you like to use. Some people combine these techniques together. It is important for you to find the method that best fits for you

Take Five Breath- Take Five helps you to count as you breathe. This allows you to keep your breathing at a consistent pace and gives your brain something to focus on. In the Take Five Breath, you count slowly to five during your inhale breath. Hold your breath for a second or two and slowly exhale to the count of five. Continue five times or until you feel your heart rate has decreased.  

Listening Breath- When you are stressed, angry or anxious, your breathing is more labored and rapid. In the listening breath you concentrate on hearing your breathing. Start by closing your eyes and try to hear your breathing. Concentrate on slowing down and deepening each breath. Go slower and slower and become quieter and quieter. See if you can go so slow and deep that eventually you cannot hear your breathing anymore. If you can still hear it, continue to slow and deepen your breath. This technique allows you to exercise control over your breathing.

Prayer Breath- Some people like to move around when they are anxious. This allows the blood to flow to other parts of your body. During the prayer breath you stand up and place your legs shoulder width apart. Sit into a deep squat with your hands in a prayer- like position. Slowly stand up as you swing your arms over your head into an arrow-like position. As you do this take a deep inhale breath. Slowly exhale as you bring your hands down into a prayer-like position again. Repeat several times. If you are spiritual this is a great one to add a quick prayer each time you end your exhale. Something like, “Father please calm my heart”.  

Cleansing Breath- The cleansing breath allows you to visualize stress leaving your body. Close your eyes. On your exhale breath imagine all your stress, anger, or panic leaving your body. You might imagine your breath being black, colored by all your negative or worrisome thoughts. On the inhale breath imagine peace and calmness entering your body. You might imagine breathing in a light blue color. If you are spiritual you might imagine breathing out your stress and breathing in the peace of Christ.

Head to Toe Muscle Relaxation- In this relaxation technique you find a comfortable place you can lie down. Begin by slowing your breathing. You may use the Take Five, Listening Breath or Cleansing Breath to slow your breathing. You then imagine each part of your body relaxing. Start at the head and work your way down to your toes. You might imagine you head becoming as light as a cloud, then drop you shoulders, next imagine your back melting into the couch and so forth. All the while your breathing should stay slow and deep. This is a great one for problems with insomnia. Many people claim this helps them fall asleep.

Safe Place Visualization- In the Safe Place visualization you imagine a beautiful place in your mind. It could be an outside place like a beach or a meadow. It could also be an inside place like a beautiful house with the smell of baking cookies. You simply lie down, get comfortable and slow your breathing. You can use Take Five, Cleansing Breath or whatever works to slow and deepen your breathing. You then might want to go through the Head to Toe Muscle Relaxation to fully relax your body. Finally imagine yourself entering into this beautiful place. Notice your surroundings. What do you see right in front of you and what do you see in the distance. What sounds do you hear and how is the temperature? Tell your self this is a safe, relaxing place where you feel calm and happy. Spend time in this place until you feel refreshed and relaxed. Some people like to collect pictures from magazines or on Pinterest of beautiful places they would like to use in their visualization.

Inner Healing Prayer- In the Inner Healing Prayer you add a spiritual element to the Safe Place Visualization. In the Inner Healing Prayer you allow God to guide or speak to you while you are in your Safe Place.  Follow the steps above in the Safe Visualization. Once you have visualized your safe place you imagine God or Jesus or another mentor approaching you. You may ask a specific question or just stay silent. Allow your mentor or God to use this time of silence to guide you or speak to you through the images in your mind.

Yoga, weight lifting, or muscle tightening/release – You feel stress, anger and fear in your body. Your bodies tense up as you experience these emotions. It helps to physically tighten and release your muscles. This allows your body become less tense and thus relieves stress. This can be done through yoga or weight lifting.  These are excellent preventive tools. People that incorporate yoga or weight lifting in their life can be less stressed. It can also be done through head to toe muscle tightening/release.  You simply lie down, slow your breathing, and starting at your head tighten and release certain muscles such as your jaw, shoulders, arms, fists, stomach, and legs.

Scripture Meditation- This also adds a spiritual element. If you are worried about a particular issue it might help to look up a Bible verse that pertains to that issue or brings you a sense of peace. Once you find something you feel is appropriate find a comfortable, relaxing place to sit or lie down. Close your eyes and slow your breathing. Once relaxed open your eyes and read the verse several times. Maybe even whisper the words. Visualize the words actually entering your body and speaking to your heart or soul. Then stay quiet to see if you feel God’s presence or the Holy Spirit moving or speaking to you in some way.

Practice these above techniques and play with which one works best for you. Incorporating one or more of these techniques in your life can have positive impact on your mood. In the same way we take care of ourselves by exercising or eating right, relaxation methods help us take care of our both physical and emotional well-being. Enjoy and have fun trying these methods!  
©Elaine M. Wilkins, MFT 2015

Elaine M. Wilkins, LMFT
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

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