as long as I can remember, I could always hear my dad’s voice in my head saying“Go for it. You can DO this!” Whether it was jumping from one rock to another
as a child, building dollhouse furniture with his tools, or taking risks in my
career as a woman, my dad’s belief in me always made me feel more confident. My
mom impacted my self-esteem too, but in different ways. While mom analyzed all
my feelings with me and held me while I cried (even as an adult), dad’s words
of encouragement helped me get up and get it done. He helped me develop my
When we think of
important people in a child’s life we often focus on the mother. A mother’s
role and connection with her children is undeniably important and special. However,
dads are important to their children too! Whether it’s a biological father, a
step-dad, or another father figure like a grandpa or an uncle, involved father
figures impact children’s development in great ways.
Their first important
impact is indirect. A father that invests in his marriage and respects his
wife, positively impacts his child. Happy couples that feel affirmed by eachother
have less stress in their parenting. A husband in a good marriage also tends to
be more involved in his children’s lives. This positive marriage also becomes a
great model to the children for healthy relationships.
Children with
involved fathers also tend to have better outcomes in their education. Studies
show they have higher IQs, better linguistic and cognitive capacities, and can
handle the stress of school more easily. (K. Pruett, Father –Need,
2000). It was also found that fathers who read to their children impact the
child’s expressiveness by age 15 months and the use of advanced language by the
age three. (Drevitch, Psychology Today, 20014).
Dads impact the
emotional well being of their child too. Kids with father figures tend to have
higher self-esteem. Their ability to develop positive friendships and romantic
relationship increases. In a
meta-analysis of 24 studies of parental involvement, Swedish researchers have found
that kids whose fathers help care for them and play with them tend to have less
behavioral problems and have a lower risk for becoming delinquents as
adolescents(Drevitch, Psychology Today, 20014).
Lastly, loving
fathers or father figures help children better understand the love of their
heavenly Father. A man that spiritually leads his family in prayer, bible studies
and worship passes on a spiritual heritage that has great value. His family
will be greatly blessed.
Genesis 18:19 - "For I have
chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to
keep the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just, so that the LORD will
bring about for Abraham what he has promised him."(NIV)
So thanks to the
dads, stepdads, grandpas, uncles etc. who greatly impact the lives of the children
around them. Probably more than they will ever know! We love you and Happy
Fathers Day! (Wilkins 2014).