Natural Disasters:
A Resource for Coping Families
Reactions to a natural disaster differ from person to person. An event
that may seem “unsettling” to one person can be felt as “traumatic” to another.
This can also depend on the degree to which a family was affected. A family who
was evacuated or experienced a loss due to the disaster will have more extreme
reactions. Fortunately, most families that experience a natural disaster
survive without developing any severe emotional problems.
Common reactions after a disaster may include:
Profound feelings of sadness,
grief, disbelief, and anger, emotional numbing, sleep disturbances or
nightmares, depressed feelings, anxiety, forgetfulness, hyper vigilance, loss
of hope, social with drawl, family conflict, increased use of alcohol and
drugs, and difficulty functioning at school or work. These symptoms usually
subside over time.
Possible Emotional Complications
Stress Disorder may develop within the first month after a
disaster and can last for two days to four weeks. Post traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is similar to Acute stress
Disorder but develops weeks to months after the disaster. People suffering from
either disorder may continue to experience the above symptoms as well as persistent
nightmares or flashbacks. Individuals may also develop Clinical Depression. Depression is more than feeling “down” or
“blue”. Depression can
be severe impacting all areas of a person’s life. It can impact their academics, social life,
family relations etc. Depression can develop either suddenly or gradually and
the affects can be brief or long-term. There are also different levels of
depression. It is experienced uniquely
with each individual. Please
seek professional help if you or your loved one seems to have developed any of
these problems.
Common Reactions of
Children may include:
Children of
all ages may seem anxious and express fear about future disasters. They may ask
a lot of repetitive questions as they try to process and understand what has
happened. It is not uncommon to see regression in their behavior.
Preschoolers: may suck their thumbs, cling to
parents, have daytime or bed wetting, constipation, fear of darkness, and may
even experience night terrors.
Elementary Aged Children: may increase “acting-out” behavior at home and school,
be irritable, whine, have nightmares, increase rivalry with siblings, become
needy for attention, they may withdraw from others and have difficulty
concentrating on schoolwork.
Pre-teen and Teenagers: may be irritable and
irresponsible, experience sleep disturbances, refuse to do school or home work,
may have an increase or decrease in their appetite, experience stomach aches or
headaches, problems concentrating, nightmares, and may lose interest in typical activities.
behaviors should decrease in time. If your child or adolescent does not seem to
get better after several weeks and seems to have trouble functioning at home or
school, seek professional help. They too could develop Depression or Anxiety.
How to Care For
Yourself and Your Family
Be patient with
yourself and your children. When you have been through a traumatic
event you will need to expect some difficult feelings and behaviors from
everyone. Arguing and fighting will happen. Try to keep things calm and
supportive. Keep your routines consistent if you can. Validate and accept all
feelings. Help kids focus on the positives (your safety, the importance of
family, the real definition of a home, your blessings, the support you received
from friends, family, and the community, etc.)
Keep talking! After a traumatic
event it is important to share what you saw, how you felt, what you
experienced. This allows your brain to process these difficult feelings and
thoughts. You are less likely to experience flashback or nightmares if you talk
to others about what you experienced. You may also want to process your
feelings in a journal. Children may need to express themselves through artwork
or play enactment. However, constant
focus on the disaster can be overwhelming to your mind and body. Take time to enjoy
relationships, focus on your work, read, pray, get plenty of sleep, exercise
and try some deep breathing. Your mind
and body are under a lot of stress and it is important to find healthy outlets.
Find Support. Allow others to
lend a hand during this difficult time. If family or friends can help lighten
the load right now take advantage of this!
Rely on your community or church help. Seek spiritual guidance.
Hug your children! Kids need physical
touch when they have been through something traumatic. Play with your kids. Children use play as a “mini” world to work
through their fears and issues. Being present during their play helps them to
feel heard and understood. Listen to your older children and teens. Don’t judge,
just listen and be there for them. Friends are important to this age. Allow
them to spend time hanging out and supporting each other. They need to process
this experience with their friends too.
Seek professional
help if needed. After several weeks, if you or your family is
not feeling better, have reoccurring nightmares and flashbacks or seem to have
difficulty functioning please seek professional help from a therapist. This is
not a sign of weakness. Even if you just need someone to talk to, there are
counselors who care and would be happy to meet with you.
Family Counseling is a private –practice counseling
staff in Temecula, CA.
We would like to offer
our deepest sympathies if you or a loved one has suffered from the tornado in Oklahoma. If you or your family would like to schedule
an appointment we would be honored to hear your story in a confidential setting
and hopefully assist you during this difficult time. God Bless and we look
forward to hearing from you.